Welcome to
Trawden Forest
500 Club
The 500 Club is a great way to support our Trawden Forest Community Centre, Library and Shop whilst also having a chance of winning a fantastic cash prize, every month.

This is how it works……
Please note: When completing the Direct Debit mandate, it will show £20.
If purchasing more than one number the amount due will be amended by 500 club administration to reflect the corresponding amount. You do not need to set up a separate Direct Debit for each number, for example if you apply for three numbers, the direct debit will show £20 and this will be amended to £60 by the administration.
4) We will email you with your allocated number
​5) Keep your eye on your emails, facebook and this page to find out if you're a winner! The draw will take place on the last working week of every month.
In a nutshell, all you need to do to join the 500 Club is complete and sign the application form and complete the direct debit form for an annual payment of £20. This buys you one membership number which enters you into the monthly draw plus the 2 additional draws in June and December.
To pay via Direct Debit please either complete the form online or print, complete and post through the secure red box in the library. If you wish to pay by cash or cheque, then please contact us on 500club@trawdenforest.com.
All applicants must be over 18 years of age or over to enter.
The draw will take place during the last working week of the month.
There will be three prizes every month 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
If you win, the cash prize will be sent direct to your chosen bank account by bank transfer within one week after the draw.
The draw will be uploaded to our facebook, instagram and also announced on our website, winners will be contacted by email or phone.
The prize money will be approximately 50% of the total membership fees.
If at the time of each monthly draw there are less or more than 500 participants, the prize money will remain at approximately 50% and the cash prizes will be adjusted accordingly. The remaining funds go to The Trawden Community Centre CIO to help fund core resources.
If you have any queries, please contact via email on 500club@trawdenforest.com or via phone to 07791 552767.